Welcome to Central Coast Basketball Online Platform

Previously registered

If you have previously registered and know your username and password.

Sign In

Previously registered
but don't know my username or password

If you have previously played at Central Coast Basketball Association you'll already have an account. If you use the same email the system will match your history. Click below to obtain your username or reset your password.

Forgot Username Reset Password

Create an account

If creating an account, you must create in the name of the participant. Data must match Birth Certificate &/or Active & Creative Kids Voucher.


By logging in or creating a login to the Central Coast Basketball Online Platform, you declare that you have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the basketball Network Participant Terms and Conditions and basketball Australia National Integrity Framework, including the exclusion of implied terms, warning, assumption of risk, release and indemnity. In addition, you agree that you will be bound by Central Coast Basketball Association constitution and any regulations and policies (including competition rules or by-laws) made under it. Click here to view Central Coast Basketball Association Competition By-Laws, policies and procedures.